Understanding the Fisher – November 15, 2016 in Napanee
Dr. Jeff Bowman has been researching the fascinating fisher for many years.
On November 15, Dr. Bowman will share his vast knowledge on the decline and recovery of the fisher in Ontario, its natural history, and the latest research findings in Ontario, including field-based and genetic studies. Dr. Bowman is a (Wildlife) Research Scientist with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, and also teaches in Environmental and Life Sciences at Trent University.
All are welcome to Understanding the Fisher on Tuesday, November 15 at 7pm at The Prince Charles School, 75 Graham Street West in Napanee.
Donations gratefully accepted. Hosted by the Lennox & Addington Stewardship Council along with partners, Ontario Woodlot Association (Limestone Chapter) and Friends of the Salmon River. For more information, see www.lastewardship.ca. Contact Susan at 613-379-5958 or lastewardship@gmail.com.