Tree Planting Programs

Choices for tree planting

Brought to you by – Lennox & Addington Stewardship Council and Friends of Wilton Creek Watershed

Updated May, 2023

Why plant trees?

Eastern White Pine

Why do landowners want to plant trees?

  • To fix carbon dioxide in biomass (the trees) and in the soil, while decreasing it in the atmosphere. Climate change now makes this an urgent need.
  • To grow lumber for sale or for a legacy.
  • To get firewood from selected trees, pruning, or fallen trees.
  • To protect an area, e.g., with a windbreak or shelterbelt.
  • To provide habitat for animals. Increasing forest corridors is particularly important.
  • To give aesthetic pleasure.
  • To increase forested areas and provide places for forest walks.
  • To become eligible for a tax break on forested land.

                 Tree Programs

The 50 Million Tree Program 

Ontario adopted a United Nations initiative which aims to plant fifty million trees as a strategy to fix carbon.  As of 2022, Forests Ontario has planted 36.7 million trees through this program, producing over 18,000 hectares of new forest.

The program is for landowners who have sufficiently deep soil, at least 1.25 acres (0.5 hectares) of tractor-accessible land, and space for 500 trees. Eligible project types include afforestation, riparian, windbreak, and restoration planting.

50 to 90% of the planting costs may be paid by the program.

The program includes:

  • a site visit
  • preparation of a planting plan
  • native seedlings
  • planting
  • grass and weed control
  • follow-up survival assessments.
  • Landowner costs vary, depending on the species and numbers to be planted.

Site visits must be arranged in the fall, and seedlings are ordered by February 1st for spring planting.

The eligible forested land may qualify for a reduced tax rate.

The program is managed by Forests Ontario: (Landowners may register a property at this website.) The process is handled by a local forester.


Wilton Creek Watershed: the Program Delivery Agent is Rick Knapton at the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority. Contact: 613-389-3651 or

Salmon River, Napanee River and Prince Edward County Watersheds, and south portion of Hastings County: the Program Delivery Agent is Stephen Pitt at 613-532-0701 or


The Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program

(MFTIP) is a long-established program, managed by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.  It has been responsible for large areas of managed forest in our region, and the focus is on increasing forest stewardship by landowners. MFTIP requires a Forest Management (site-specific) Plan made by a Plan Approver. A minimum of 10 acres (4 hectares) of forested land is required.

Plan Approvers, mostly foresters, are approved and listed by the Ministry and are independent agents who charge landowners directly; they are listed online by region. See more about the program here:

The Plan Approver (the forester) will come for a site visit and explain how the program works. MFTIP requires return visits by a forester after 5 and 10 years, and the landowner becomes eligible for a 25% rebate on the residential tax rate for the planted area. 


Shoreline Restoration Program

Quinte Conservation is a delivery partner of Watersheds Canada’s Natural Edge Program. By offering a shoreline restoration program, we aim to make it easy and engaging for waterfront property owners to naturalize their shoreline with beautiful native species. Natural shorelines protect against erosion, support wildlife, and help to protect water quality.

Our program includes a free (confidential) site visit, the creation of a customized shoreline-planting plan, and Ontario native trees, shrubs and wildflowers.

Each planting plan takes into consideration the site conditions (light, soil, and moisture) and landowner preferences (aesthetics, access, maintaining water views, supporting wildlife).

Subsidized shoreline naturalization kits are available in 2023  

Each kit includes:

  • A site visit and customized planting plan
  • A minimum of 50 native plants, including potted trees, shrubs, and wildflowers
  • Coconut fibre mats for trees and shrubs
  • Mulch for wildflowers
  • Tree guards (as needed)
  • A Plant Care Guide, Habitat Creation Guide, and Wildflower Garden Guide
  • Cost of a Starter Kit is currently $425 
  • Options: Plant it yourself OR pay to have Quinte staff plant for you

Contact: Maya Navrot (Quinte Conservation) at 613-968-3434 ext 131 or

If you are in the Cataraqui Conservation Region (including Wilton Creek), contact: Holly Evans (Cataraqui Conservation) at 613-546-4228 ext 233 or


Lemoine Point Native Plant Nursery,  Kingston

Weese Tree Preservation and Weese Nurseries,  Greater Napanee

Golden Bough Tree Farm,  Marlbank (in Hastings County)

Ferguson Tree Nursery,  Kemptville

Pineneedle Farms,  Pontypool (in Kawartha Lakes)

Somerville Nurseries,  Everett (SW of Barrie)

Helpful Organizations 

Forests Ontario is a non-profit organization that runs workshops, provides seedlings, and is an agent for many government programs.  For example, last year they planted 400 trees at Lemoine Point Conservation Area. Seasonal over-the-counter sales of seedlings are available.

Contact: Stephanie Chamberlin, Forestry Manager at 1-877-646-1193 or Visit

Tree Canada is a registered charity which can supply schools and organizations with trees – including fruit and nut varieties.  Contact  Visit

Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority: Each spring, landowners in the area can place a minimum order of 500 seedlings, and individual species can be ordered in multiples of 50. People can go together on their orders. Contact Rick Knapton, forester at 613-389-3651 or

Lemoine Point Native Plant Nursery . Friends of Lemoine Point is a group of volunteer supporters of Lemoine Point, a CRCA property in Kingston that houses their forest workshop and nursery.  They have an annual spring sale of native plants including trees and shrubs. This is an excellent source of affordable seedlings and larger plants. Contact: (613) 546-4228 or Or visit

Natural Themes Native Plant Nursery: A similar excellent source of local stock is Beate Heissler’s nursery in Frankford: Natural Themes Native Plant Nursery. Contact: 613-398-7971 or Visit

The Farm Tax Credit program:  Landowners who are actively farming may be better off maintaining the Farm Tax Credit program on land newly planted with trees.

For information, see  and . Consulting with a tax advisor is recommended.

­­­­­­ TD Friends of the Environment Foundation is a national charity that supports a range of environmental initiatives on public land including schoolyard greening, park revitalization, community gardens, etc.

What local support is available?

Some municipalities subsidize tree planting in public parks and along roads. Some municipalities offer a Community Trees program. See

The Lennox & Addington Stewardship Council (LASC)

is a non-profit organization that works with the public to promote responsible land care and stewardship of our natural resources. Since 1995, LASC has worked with schools, community/environmental interest groups, and landowners – improving habitat, educating students and landowners, planting trees, and more. LASC maintains strong ties with like-minded groups, such as local ‘Friends of’ groups, the Ontario Woodlot Association, and Conservation Authorities.

In 2019, the Lennox and Addington Stewardship Council and the County of L&A planted 80 mature trees to replace large trees that had been removed for the installation of a solar energy project.  Individual landowners have taken responsibility for caring for these large trees until they become established.