Well and Septic Event…Download Workbook

Quinte Conservation’s Maya Navrot showing the flow of contamination in groundwater

On January 15 in Napanee, the Lennox & Addington Stewardship Council (and partners) brought together a range of knowledgeable speakers to share their learnings and best practices about well and septic systems with homeowners. More than 280 people attended this very interactive and successful evening!

The Groundwater Protection Workbook was developed for local landowners as a property-specific self-assessment tool to understand risks to groundwater on their property.

We now have the 40-page Workbook available online at the following link:


Large file (8 MB) – have a cup of tea!

​ The hard copy is not yet available. We will keep you informed of the progress.


Feel free to also download these Speaker Presentations:

1/  Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority

CRCA_Groundwater Vulnerability with notes

Holly Evans, Watershed Planning Coordinator and Katrina Furlanetto, Source Protection Coordinator

  • Groundwater vulnerability, unique features of our region
  • Groundwater Protection Workbook







2/  Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change 

Warren Lusk, Natalie Spina, and Andrew Mobberley

MOECC Well Construction, Maintenance & Abandonment

  • Ontario Wells Program
  • Well construction and maintenance







3/  KFL&A Public Health

Gordon Mitchell, Public Health Inspector

KFLA Public Health. On-site Sewage Disposal_A Primer

  • Set-up of a standard septic system
  • Maintenance
  • Alternative technologies









4/  Public Health Ontario

Dr. Anna Majury

PHO. Research on environmental health and microbiology with a focus on water

Basics of water sample collection and testing

Water-borne disease in Canada

PowerPoint presentation in PDF format (6.1 mb) Public Health Ontario_Private Drinking Water_17.04.18

5/ Quinte Conservation

Groundwater Monitoring

Lynette Lambert, Watershed Monitoring Coordinator, Quinte Conservation

Monitoring Programs throughout the Quinte watershed

Water Quantity

Water Quality

PowerPoint presentation in PDF format (1.7 mb) Quinte CA Monitoring – Jan 2018


Groundwater Protection Workbook will be available soon.