Since 1995, we have worked with schools, community/environmental interest groups, and landowners to improve habitat and biodiversity. We provide educational workshops to the community. In 2008, we incorporated as a non-profit organization.
Our Purpose:
- We promote responsible land care and stewardship of our natural resources
- We use a cooperative, discovery-based approach to projects
Our Partners:
- Friends of the Salmon River
- Friends of the Napanee River
- Friends of Wilton Creek Watershed
- Kingston Field Naturalists
- Ontario Woodlot Association
- Quinte Conservation
- Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority
- Nature Conservancy of Canada
- Municipal Councils
Our Future:
- Nurture our diverse landscapes for future generations
- Collaborate with partners to share each other’s resources for sustainable community projects

Napanee River – Photo: Lawrence O’Keeffe